The Big Idea
One of the biggest reasons I almost quit learning to code early on was because I thought I was supposed to “know” everything.
I would get frustrated with myself every time I had to look up a window function, or forgot the right order for GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and HAVING.
I would think: “I just learned this! I should remember how to do this.”
Luckily I eventually figured out that’s not how learning to code works.
We learn this bad habit in school. Where they would force us to memorize a bunch of stuff, and then we have to put away our books and regurgitate it back onto a page for a test or assignment.
Working in tech is not like that though.
Working in tech is an open book test.
It’s not just ok to look things up, it’s necessary.
So when learning new concepts, don’t try to memorize them, focus on understanding what they do, and when they would be useful.
You don’t need to memorize how to write a window function, you just need to know that it exists and when to use it. Then you can look up the syntax.
You’ll memorize things through repetition, after writing them hundreds of times. Not through cramming, or getting upset with yourself for not remembering.
(The only exception to memorizing is during interviews where you have to solve problems on the spot, but we’ll talk about that in another issue.)
What I’m Learning
If you’re not familiar with The Odin Project, it’s basically a free program that takes you from zero, to full stack web-developer.
Why am I doing this you might ask?
While I don’t plan on being a web developer any time soon, I’m learning because I have a passion project in the works, and I want to build it myself.
I’ve never built a web app before, so this will help me learn the basics.
So if you’re someone who loves learning new things, or want to try out web development, this free program is a great start.
Quote of the Week
“You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
— Marcus Aurelius
Another quote from the Stoics this week.
I’ve been finding myself worried more about things outside of my control.
Layoffs, inflation, AI… It’s times like this where I have to remind myself that none of this is in my control, and the best thing I can do is to continue doing my best.
Thanks for reading, and have a great week!
– Josh